Aus der Veda Forschung

 Ongoing  Research Themes:

Das globale Friedensprojekt - The global peace project
1, 2024: Zeitenwende zum Frieden - Turning point to peace  > 7, 2024: Zeichen der Trendwende -Signs of Change  > 8, 2024: Bewusstsein das Einheitliche Feld - Consciousness the Unified Field  > 9, 2024: Life-relevance of unifying consciousness Lebensrelevanz vereinheitlichenden Bewusstseins:
Vedic formula to establish coherence, progress and peace in the family of nations.

Forschungsberichte 2024

Research Reports 2024

BALD Rezension des Buches "The One" von H.Päs
Zu den Physikern, die zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts auf die Krise der modernen Physik hinweisen, gehört Heinrich Päs. Obwohl die Gesellschaft erhebliche Ressourcen in die Grundlagenforschung investiert, stellt sich die Frage: Hören die Verantwortlichen auch auf deren Warnungen? Das Problem liegt darin, dass die wissenschaftliche Forschung nur von anderen Wissenschaftlern kontrolliert werden kann. Wenn ein Physiker wie H.Päs eine Krise konstatiert, könnte dies darauf hindeuten, dass die wissenschaftsinternen Selbstkorrekturmechanismen nicht mehr funktionieren. Besonders schwer wiegt dies im Fall der Physik, da sie die begrifflichen Grundlagen der modernen Zivilisation bestimmt. Stagnation in der Wissenschaft führt zu Frustration und Spannungen, die zu sozialem Unfrieden und Konflikten führen können. Seit I. Kant und dem Zeitalter der Aufklärung ist bekannt, dass dem nur auf der Ebene entgegengewirkt werden kann, die Erkenntnis und Erfahrung erst ermöglicht. H. Päs zeigt, dass das Konzept der "Einheit der Natur" in der theoretischen Physik mit dem übereinstimmt, was seit den ältesten Kulturen als grundlegender Faktor der Weiterentwicklung beschrieben wird. Er stützt sich dabei auf J. A. Wheelers Idee des teilnehmenden Universums ("participatory universe"), das betont, dass das Universum und seine Gesetze durch den Akt des Beobachtens bzw. Erkennens geformt werden. Allerdings zeigt eine Analyse von Päs’ Argumentation, dass eine Erweiterung notwendig ist, um die Krise der Physik tatsächlich zu bewältigen: Der Begriff des Bewusstseins muss präziser gefasst werden, als der von H. Päs in *The One* (2023).
SOON Review of the book "The One" by H. Päs 
Heinrich Päs is one of the physicists who point out the crisis in modern physics at the beginning of the 21st century. Although society invests considerable resources in basic research, the question arises: are those responsible also listening to their warnings? The problem is that scientific research can only be controlled by other scientists. If a physicist like H.Päs declares a crisis, this could indicate that the self-correction mechanisms within science are no longer working. This is particularly serious in the case of physics, as it determines the conceptual foundations of modern civilization. Stagnation in science leads to frustration and tension, which can lead to social unrest and conflict. Since I. Kant and the Age of Enlightenment it has been known that this can only be counteracted at the level that makes knowledge and experience possible. H. Päs shows that the concept of the "unity of nature" in theoretical physics corresponds to what has been described as the one fundamental factor of further development since the most ancient cultures. He relies on J. A. Wheeler's idea of ​​the participatory universe, which emphasizes that the universe and its laws are shaped by the act of observing or knowing. However, an analysis of Päs' argument shows that an expansion is necessary to actually overcome the crisis in physics: the concept of consciousness needs to be defined more precisely than that of H. Päs in *The One* (2023)

Indien und die Rolle Europas in der Welt (Rezension)
Die Lebensbilanz des Musikers, Diplomaten und Botschafter Deutschlands, Walter J. Lindner (geb.1956), zeigt wie durch die Weisheit Indiens die europäischen Werte, die sich in den letzten 500 Jahren ausbildeten und weltweit Verbreitung gefunden haben, so weiterentwickelt werden können, dass überall in der Welt eine Win-win-Situation entsteht. Der Buchtitel betont diese Chance, denn bisher konnte zwar durch Europas Werte des "Wahren, Schönen, Guten" die globale Lebensqualität gesteigert werden, aber nur durch Ausschöpfen begrenzter Ressourcen und auch nicht für die Mehrheit der Menschen. Was bisher trotz geistiger Aufgeklärtheit, intellektueller Kultivierung und wachsendem Wertebewusstsein vernachlässigt wurde, ist der Zugang zur transzendentalen Grundlage aller Erfahrung und Erkenntnis. 
Weil es in Indien gelungen ist, das dazu erforderliche praktische Wissen seit Jahrtausende zu bewahren, habe die Repräsentanten dieses kulturellen Erbes, die die europäisch geprägte Welt bereisten, überall einen starken Eindruck hinterlassen. So inspirierte der Sitarist und Komponist Ravi Shankar viele Musiker in den 1960ern sich intensiv mit der vedischen Kultur Indiens zu beschäftigen. Deshalb zog es auch W. Lindner 1977 als Musiker und spirituellen Sucher nach Indien und er kehrte am Ende seiner Diplomaten-Laufbahn, die ihn rund um die Welt geführt hatte, als Deutscher Botschafter von 2019 bis 2022 dorthin zurück. Was aufgrund seiner Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse Indien für die Zukunft Europas und das globale Zusammenspiel bedeutet, darüber berichtet die zusammen mit Heike Wolter verfasste Lebensbilanz von Walter. Lindner (2024).
India and Europe's role in the world (Book Review)
The lifetime balance of the musician, diplomat and ambassador of Germany, Walter J. Lindner (born 1956), shows how the wisdom of India can be used to develop the European values - that have evolved over the last 500 years and spread worldwide - in such a way that a win-win situation can be created anywhere in the world. The title of the book emphasizes this opportunity, because so far Europe's values of "truth, beauty and goodness" have been able to improve the global quality of life, but only by exploiting limited resources and not for the majority of people. What has been neglected so far, despite mental enlightenment, intellectual cultivation and a growing awareness of values, is access to the transcendental basis of all experience and knowledge. Because India has managed to preserve the necessary practical knowledge for thousands of years, the representatives of this cultural heritage who have traveled the European-influenced world have left a strong impression everywhere. The sitarist and composer Ravi Shankar, for example, inspired many musicians in the 1960s to engage intensively with the Vedic culture of India. Accordingly, W: Lindner was also drawn to India in 1977 as a musician and spiritual seeker, and at the end of his career as a diplomat, which had taken him around the world, he returned there as German Ambassador from 2019 to 2022. What India means for the future of Europe and global cooperation based on his experiences and insights is the subject of W. Lindner's book, written together with Heike Wolter (2054).

Das Netzwerk von „Indian Instruments“ verbindet europäische Akteure und Interessenten in klassischer indischer Musik mit der Tradition und Expertise Indiens: Musiker können die Instrumente indischer Spitzenhersteller vor Ort in Europa erwerben und warten lassen. Studenten und Pädagogen erfahren von traditionellen Ausbildungs- und Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten; Musikliebhaber werden laufend über Konzerte und Tonträger bedeutender Interpreten informiert. Im 21. Jahrhundert ist es symptomatisch, dass fast täglich irgendwo in Europa ein Konzert stattfindet. Diese Entwicklung begann, als im 20. Jahrhundert bedeutende Repräsentanten der indischen Klassik die Aufmerksamkeit experimentierfreudiger europäischer Komponisten erregten und im Unterhaltungssektor das Phänomen der Weltmusik boomte. Ein Grund für den tiefen Eindruck, den die klassische indische Musik auch bei europäischen Musikern und Zuhörern hinterlässt, ergibt sich aus der indischen Bezeichnung "Śāstrīya Saṅgīt": "Śāstrīya" bedeutet "systematisch strukturiert (gemäß der bewährten Überlieferung)" und "Saṅgīt" bezeichnet den für Musik typischen „Zusammenklang“. Die Überlieferung, um die es dabei geht, sind die musikalischen Prinzipien und Methoden der Vedischen Kultur. Das vor etwa 800 Jahren von Sharangadeva verfasste "Sangit Ratnakar", das umfassendste und einflussreichste Werk indischer Musikkultur, betont die Verbindung zur Tradition des Gandharva-Veda, dem Upaveda des Sama-Veda. 
Die Wurzel indischer Klassik im Gandharva-Veda wurden im 20. Jahrhundert von Maharishi Mahesh Yogi im Rahmen seines Programms der bewusstseinsbezogenen Erneuerung der Vedischen Kultur aufgegriffen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass trotz vieler äußerer Kultureinflüsse besonders im Norden Indiens die Vedische musikalische Überlieferung weitgehend intakt geblieben ist. Das ist der Weitergabe als Familientradition, Gharana, zu verdanken. Die einzelnen Familien bildeten geschlossene Gruppen, die ihren eigenen Musikstil pflegten und dadurch schützten. Eine weitere wichtige Rolle bei der Bewahrung der Überlieferung spielte die vedische Lehrer-Schüler-Tradition (Guru-Shishya Parampara), die Bewusstseinsentwicklung durch Meditation mit einschließt. Wie die Vedische Überlieferung lehrt und die moderne Wissenschaft bestätigt, integriert das durch Meditation erweiterte Bewusstsein alle möglichen auch gegensätzliche Schwingungsformen. Für das Verständnis dieser Situation erweisen sich Modelle aus dem Bereich der Physik hilfreich, insbesondere das Einheitliche Feld aller Naturgesetze der Super-String-Theorie. Einerseits erhöht Meditation die Flexibilität und somit auch die musikalische Improvisationsfähigkeit und andererseits wird die Verbindung zu den natürlichen und kosmischen Rhythmen gestärkt. Das ist der tiefere Grund für die harmonisierende Wirkung authentischer Gandharva-Musik, die sowohl beruhigt als auch aufbaut. Den Gesamtbereich indisch-klassischer Musik von den Vedischen Ursprüngen bis hin zu den Instrumenten und den heutigen Musikern präsentiert die Grundsatz-Information des India-Instruments-Netzwerks von Jens Yogenda Eckert, 2012.
Network of Classical Indian Raga Music in Europe
The “Indian Instruments”- Network connects European exponents and admirers of Indian classical music with the tradition and expertise of India: Musicians can purchase instruments from top Indian manufacturers locally in Europe and have maintenance and repair. Students and educators learn about traditional training and continuing education opportunities; Music lovers are constantly informed about concerts and recordings by important artists. In the 21st century, it is symptomatic that a concert takes place somewhere in Europe almost every day. This development began when, in the 20th century, important representatives of Indian classical music attracted the attention of experimental European composers and the phenomenon of world music boomed in the entertainment sector. One reason for the deep impression that classical Indian music leaves on European musicians and listeners is expressed by the Indian name "Śāstrīya Saṅgīt": "Śāstrīya" means "systematically structured (in the sense of proven tradition)" and "Saṅgīt" which refers to the “consonance” typical of music. The tradition in question is the musical principles and methods of Vedic culture. Written in Sanskrit by Sarangadeva about 800 years ago, "Sangit Ratnakar" is the most comprehensive and influential document of Indian musical culture. It emphasizes the connection with the tradition of Gandharva Veda, the Upaveda of the Sama Veda. The roots of Indian classical music in Gandharva Veda were taken up again in the 20th century by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as part of his program of consciousness-based renewal of Vedic culture. It turned out that despite many external cultural influences, especially in northern India, the Vedic musical tradition remained largely intact. This is due to the transmission via a family tradition, Gharana. The individual families formed closed groups that cultivated and thereby protected their own style of music. Another important role in the preservation of the tradition was played by the Vedic teacher-disciple tradition (Guru-Shishya Parampara), which includes the development of consciousness through meditation. As the Vedic tradition teaches and modern science confirms, the consciousness accessible through meditation - comparable to the unified field of all natural laws of Super-String Theory - integrates all possible forms of vibration, including opposing ones. On the one hand, meditation increases flexibility and thus the ability to improvise and on the other hand, the connection to natural and cosmic rhythms is strengthened. This is the deeper reason for the harmonizing effect of authentic Gandharva music, which both calms and uplifts. The entire range of Indian classical music from the Vedic origins to the instruments and today's musicians is presented in the basic information of the India Instruments Network by Jens Yogenda Eckert, 2012.

KI-Recherche zum Transzendentalen Bewusstsein - 300 Jahre Immanuel Kant
Dadurch dass transzendentales Bewusstsein von Immanuel Kant(1724 - 1804) genau charakterisiert wurde, kann jetzt durch Google, ChatGPT und ähnliche Recherche-Tools die bisherige Entwicklung dieses Bewusstseinszustandes leicht nachvollzogenen und seine Lebensrelevanz ermittelt werden. Die Literatur zu diesem Thema liegt nämlich Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts in großem Umfang digitalisiert vor. Die Forschung bezüglich transzendentalem Bewusstsein geschieht inzwischen weltweit, wird aber trotz ihrer Relevanz für alle Bereiche des Lebens wenig beachtet. Die anlässlich des 300. Geburtsjahrs von Kant durchführte Internet-Recherche begründet die Unterscheidung zweier Entwicklungsphasen:
  • Die Entwicklung bis Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde durch eine kleine Anzahl europäischer Denkern geprägt. Dazu gehören vor allem J.G. Fichte(1762 – 1810) ; F.W.J. Schelling(1775 – 1854), G.W.F. Hegel(1770 – 1831); A. Schopenhauer(1788 – 1860); P. Deussen(1845-1919) und R. Steiner(1861-1925).
  • Danach wurde die Entwicklung dadurch stark beschleunigt, dass Repräsentanten der vedischen Kultur Indiens, die dort während Jahrtausenden gewonnen Erkenntnisse über transzendentales Bewusstseins zugänglich machten. 
Bis zum Beginn des 21. Jahrhundert profitierte davon vor allem die Grundlagen-Forschung in der Philosophie, Linguistik, Naturwissenschaft und Mathematik. Zunehmend erlebten dann aber auch die Neurophysiologie, Psychologie, Soziologie und KI-Forschung wesentliche Impulse. Diese Entwicklungs-Trends ergeben sich aus den hier zusammengestellten Antworten von ChatGPT (Juni /Juli 2024). AI-Search on Transcendental Consciousness
Through Google, ChatGPT and similar research tools, the historical development of "Transcendental Consciousness" as precisely characterized by Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804) can be easily traced and applied in daily life. This is possible at the beginning of the 21st century since a large amount of information on this topic is available in digital form.  Internet research carried out on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Kant's birth confirms two phases of development:(1) The development up to the beginning of the 20th century was shaped by a small number of European thinkers. These include above all J.G. Fichte(1762 - 1810), F.W.J. Schelling(1775 - 1854), G.W.F. Hegel(1770 - 1831), A. Schopenhauer(1788 - 1860), P. Deussen(1845-1919), and R. Steiner(1861-1925). (2) Subsequently, the development was greatly accelerated by authentic representatives of the Vedic culture of India, who made the knowledge of transcendental consciousness gained there over thousands of years accessible. Until the beginning of the 21st century, foundatiional research in philosophy, linguistics, natural science and mathematics was the main beneficiary of this. Increasingly, however, neurophysiology, psychology, sociology and AI research also experienced a significant impetus. These development trends are confirmed by the answers given by ChatGPT (June/July 2024).

Transzendentale Wende – 300 Jahre Immanuel Kant
Transzendentales Bewusstsein bei I. Kant
Nur sehr wenige, die die Transzendental-Philosophie von Immanuel Kant studieren, praktizieren auch transzendentale Meditation. Umgekehrt beschäftigen sich Meditierende meist nicht mit transzendental-philosophischen Gedanken. Durch Zitate aus Werken, die die Verbindung zwischen geistigen Techniken (wie Meditation) und philosophischem Erkenntnisstreben untersuchen, soll die Frage beantwortet werden, ob "transzendental" in beiden Fällen tatsächlich dasselbe bezeichnet. Jeder, der sich mit dieser Frage beschäftigt, bemerkt schnell, dass das, was mit dem modernen 
Begriff „transzendental“ bezeichnet wird, bereits seit sehr langer Zeit untersucht wird: Die ältesten Untersuchungen stammten aus der Vedischen Zivilisation des indischen Subkontinents und werden dort als Vedanta bezeichnet. Weil sowohl diejenigen, die Kant studieren, als auch die Praktizierenden transzendentaler Meditation in den Texten des Vedanta Bestätigung finden, erweist sich das älteste  Wissen als höchst modern, denn die Grundlagen jeder Kultur werden dadurch erneuert und gestärkt. Das ist der Beitrag von Vedanta in der modernen Zeit (2024)
Transcendental turn - 300 years of Immanuel Kant
Very few people who study Immanuel Kant's transcendental philosophy also practise transcendental meditation. Conversely, meditators do not usually engage with transcendental philosophical thoughts. Quotes from works that examine the connection between mental techniques such as meditation and the philosophical pursuit of knowledge are intended to answer whether "transcendental" actually means the same thing in both cases. Anyone who considers this question quickly realizes that what is referred to by the modern term "transcendental" has been studied for a very long time: The oldest investigations came from the Vedic civilization of the Indian subcontinent, where it is referred to as Vedanta. Because both - those who study Kant and the practitioners of transcendental meditation - find confirmation in the texts of Vedanta, the oldest knowledge proves to be highly modern, since the foundations of every culture are renewed and strengthened. This is the contribution of Vedanta in modern times (2024).

Vedanta in modern times - 300 years of Immanuel Kant
As the academic world commemorates the 300th anniversary of the birth of the philosopher Immanuel Kant in 2024, the success story of a state of consciousness called transcendental by I. Kant is celebrated. The transcendental, self-referral state of consciousness has been thoroughly researched ever since. According to the documents of the much older Vedic culture of India, this story already began as early as 5000 years ago with Vedanta philosophy. In Vedanta, transcendental consciousness is simply
called the 4th state, because it gives an absolute foundation to the three relative states of sleep, dreaming and waking. During the development of the quality of life on the basis of the 4th state of consciousness, the interaction of all four states of consciousness undergoes a characteristic change. Initially the influence of transcendental consciousness on the three relative states is only in the background.This changes over time until finally the 4th state becomes the dominating factor, whose creative potential organizes all relative aspects of life in a holistic way. In the 20th century, the creativity-promoting effects of transcendental consciousness were scientifically confirmed also in the societal sphere, giving society an exact absolute foundation. To promote the application of the traditional Vedanic insights to social sciences and  governmental administration Maharishi Mahesh Yogi developed a number related decoding method for Sanskrit texts which complements the approaches analyzing the sound structure. This is possible because the experienceable life-relevant qualities of consciousness are linked via the self-referral modes of consciousness with the numerically precise organizational power inherent in consciousness. The contributions of Vedanta to improving the quality of life are veryfied by applying this approach in the analysis of an approx. 2500-year-old scripture of Vedanta:"The Crest Jewel of Discrimination" by Shri Shankara (translation sample) 
Vedanta in der modernen Zeit – 300 Jahre Immanuel Kant
Passend zum Kant-Jubiläumsjahr wird die Frage untersucht, wie die weitreichenden Möglichkeiten des Transzendentalen – das zentrale Thema von Immanuel Kant und auch der Vedanta Philosophie – verstärkt ausgeschöpft werden können, um Defizite in der Lebensqualität zu beheben. Ein vielversprechendes Projekt, denn die Nutzung des Transzendentalen im gesellschaftlichen Bereich ist noch in den Anfängen. Das gilt sowohl für die Kantsche Lehre als auch für die sehr viel älteren in Sanskrit verfassten Werke des Vedanta. Bisherige Übersetzungen der Sanskrit-Texte sind meist wenig lebensrelevant, obwohl – wie es Immanuel Kant ausdrückte – das Transzendentale die Bedingung für die Möglichkeit von Erkenntnis und Erfahrung ist. In den Jahrhunderten nach Kant wurde klar, dass „Transzendental“ ein Synonym für „Bewusstseins-bezogen“ ist. Die exakte, zahlenmäßige Beschreibung der Eigendynamik des Bewusstseins durch die Quantenmechanik führte schließlich zur Entdeckung des einheitlichen Feldes aller Naturgesetze, die bislang bedeutendste Konsequenz der Kantschen Lehre. Diese Entwicklung, an der sehr viele Denker beteiligt waren, eröffnet prinzipiell die Chance zur Überwindung der Ressourcen-Abhängigkeit der modernen Zivilisation.
Um Erkenntnisgrenzen zu beseitigen und die im Bewusstsein angelegte kreative Intelligenz zu nutzen, wird eine Methode gebraucht, die Maharishi Mahesh Yogi als Transzendentale Meditation bezeichnet. Durch die bisher damit gemachten Erfahrungen konnte eine Vorgehensweise entwickelt werden, wie jeder aus den überlieferten Texten des Vedanta – auch ohne Sanskritstudium – Nutzen ziehen kann. Das gelingt, weil die lebensrelevanten Qualitäten des Bewusstseins durch die selbst-bezogene Eigendynamik des Bewusstseins mit der im Bewusstsein angelegten zahlenmäßig-fassbaren Organisationskraft verknüpft sind. Der sich daraus ableitende absolute Ansatz zur Förderung der Lebensqualität wird am Beispiel einer ca. 2500 Jahre alten Schrift des Vedanta vorgestellt: "Das Kronjuwel der Unterscheidung" von Shri Shankara (Übersetzungs-Probe).

Landwirtschaft im Einklang mit dem Naturgesetz
Die Proteste der Landwirte in der ersten Hälfte des 21. Jahrhundert sind symptomatisch für die Notwendigkeit eines neuen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Leitbildes, wie das auch bei den Bauernprotesten im 16. Jahrhundert der Fall war, die das Entstehen des neuzeitlichen Europa begleiteten. Als Produzenten der unmittelbar lebensrelevanten Nahrungsmittel leiden Bauern besonders unter Einseitigkeiten des Verteilungssystems, das sie zwingt Wirtschaftlichkeit über die innere Ordnung von Natur und Leben zu stellen. Die moderne industrielle Agrar-Technik und staatliche Fördermessnahmen sind nicht mehr in der Lage das systemimmanente Ungleichgewicht zu verdecken. Nur wenn alle Prinzipien der Natur und des Lebens das individuelle menschliche Handeln bestimmen ist geordnetes gesellschaftliches Zusammenwirken möglich. Harmonie mit der gesamten Natur und freie Entfaltung des kreativen Potentials bedingen sich wechselseitig. Ein vom Verein für "Erziehung und Bildung in Übereinstimmung mit dem Naturgesetz" begleitetes Agar-Projekt bestätigt::"Agrarwirtschaft im Einklang mit der Natur ist möglich"; Helmut Brünger, 2019.
Agriculture in accordance with natural law The farmers' protests in the first half of the 21st century are symptomatic of the need for a new guiding principle for society as a whole, as was the case with the farmers' protests in the 16th century when modern Europe came into being. As producers of food directly relevant to life, farmers suffer particularly from the one-sidedness of the distribution system, which forces them to place economic efficiency above the inner order of nature and life. Modern industrial agricultural technology and state support measures are no longer able to cover up the imbalance inherent in the system. Only when all the principles of nature and life determine individual human action is orderly social interaction possible. Harmony with nature as a whole and the free development of creative potential are mutually dependent. An agricultural project supported by the association for "Education in accordance with natural law" confirms: "Agriculture in harmony with nature is possible"; Helmut Brünger, 2019.

Bildungs- und Entwicklungs-Chancen durch Vedische Kultur
Der 1998 gegründete Verein „Erziehung und Bildung für ein Leben in Einklang mit dem Naturgesetz“ bietet begriffliche Hintergrundinformationen bei der Nutzung von Yoga, Meditation und anderen Vedischen Methoden zur Förderung des Zusammenwirkens in der Gesellschaft. Diese Methoden leisten bereits seit den 1960 Jahren einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum gesellschaftlichen Frieden. Das belegen wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen, die ausgewogenes Persönlichkeitswachstum, signifikante Verbesserung der Gesundheit, abnehmenden Drogenmissbrauch und erfolgreiche Rehabilitation von Straftätern nachweisen. Seit der Wiedervereinigung steht Deutschland mehr denn je vor der Herausforderung, divergierende gesellschaftliche Kräfte sowie einen wachsenden Strom von Zuwanderern zu integrieren. Gemäß den Erkenntnissen der im Verein engagierten Wissenschaftler wird diese Integrationsleistung dadurch gefördert, dass die wissenschaftliche Erforschung der "Sprache der Natur" mit der Kulturbildenden „Sprache der Transzendenz“ von Kunst, Religion und Philosophie verbunden wird. Da die Verbindung von Natur und Transzendenz der Kern der uralten Vedischen Kultur ist, hat sich der Verein zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Öffentlichkeit auf deren Bedeutung für die gesellschaftliche Weiterentwicklung hinzuweisen. Der Gründer des Vereins, Vereinssprecher und Verfasser der hier zu einem Artikel zusammengefassten Rundbriefe des Vereins ist Dr. Helmut Brünger (2024).
Educational and Development Opportunities through Vedic Culture
The Association for Education Promoting a Life in Harmony with Nature, founded in 1998, offers conceptual background information on the use of Yoga, Meditation and other Vedic methods to promote coherence in society. These methods have been making a significant contribution to social peace since the 1960s. This is proven by scientific studies which demonstrate balanced personality growth, significant improvement in health, decreasing drug abuse and successful rehabilitation of criminals. Since reunification, Germany has faced more than ever the challenge of integrating divergent social forces and a growing stream of immigrants. According to the findings of the scientists involved in the association, this integration effort is promoted by combining scientific research into the "language of nature" with insights from art, religion and philosophy related to the "language of transcendence". Since the connection between nature and transcendence forms the core of the traditional Vedic culture of India, the association has set itself the task of drawing the public's attention to the importance of this ancient integrative cultue for the modern social development. The founding board member, spokesman and author of the association´s newsletters, which are summarized here in one article, is Dr. Helmut Brünger (2024).

Ankündigung: Zeitenwende zum Frieden - Präsentation der Friedenstechnologie der Vedischen Kultur Zeichen der Trendwende(Juli 2024)
Vom 29.12. 2023 – 12.1.2024 trafen sich mehr als 10 000 Experten für yogische Friedensmeditation aus allen Teilen der Welt bei Hyderabad, Indien. Sie wollen durch ihre gemeinsame Yoga-Meditation, eine Trendwende in der politischen Weltlage herbeiführen, weg von Krisen und Gewalt, hin zu Fortschritt und Frieden. Von Gruppen dieser Größe geht aufgrund bisheriger Erfahrungen mit Yoga-Meditation ein weltweit wirksamer Ordnungseffekt aus, der so stark ist, dass in den täglichen Nachrichten nicht mehr Krisen und Gewalt, sondern Fortschritte und Weiterentwicklung dominieren. Diese Voraussage beruht auf mehr als 50-jähriger Forschung über den Effekt, den geordnet zusammenwirkende Personen auf den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt und Fortschritt haben. Etwa 40 in Fachzeitschriften veröffentlichte gründliche soziologische Untersuchungen bestätigen die gesellschaftliche Wirkung von kohärenten Gruppen. Die uralte Vedische Kultur bezeichnet "Kohärenz im Zusammenwirken" als Yoga und sagt voraus, dass in der Umgebung von Yoga ungeordnete Tendenzen verschwinden. Durch Synthese der modernsten und ältesten Erkenntnisse der Menschheit soll die 10 000-köpfige Versammlung in Indien, eine Wende in der geopolitischen Entwicklung herbeiführen. Die während und nach der Versammlung weltweit zu beobachtenden konstruktiven Entwicklungstrends dokumentieren die Berichte der Nachrichtenmedien in allen Teilen der Welt im Jahr 2024.
Announcement: Turning point to peace - Presentation of the Peace Technology of Vedic Culture  Signs of Change(July 2024)
From 29.12. 2023 – January 12, 2024 more than 10,000 yoga meditation experts from all parts of the world met near Hyderabad, India. Through their joint yoga meditation, they want to bring about a turnaround in the international political situation, away from crises and violence, towards progress and peace. Based on previous experiences with yoga meditation, groups of this size have a global ordering effect that is so strong that the daily news is no longer dominated by crises and violence, but rather by progress and development. This prediction is based on more than 50 years of research into the effect that small, orderly acting groups have on overall social cohesion and progress. Around 40 in-depth sociological studies published in scientific journals confirm the social impact of coherent groups. The ancient Vedic culture refers to “coherence in interaction” as yoga and predicts that in the environment of yoga, disordered tendencies disappear. By synthesizing the most modern and oldest knowledge of humanity, the 10,000-strong assembly in India is intended to bring about a change in geopolitical development. The constructive trends observed worldwide during and after the gathering are documented in news media reports in all parts of the world in 2024.

Research 2023

 Research 2022

Forschungsberichte 2023

   Research Reports 2023

In Europa, insbesondere in Deutschland wird Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts die ungeregelte Zuwanderung zur Belastung für den gesellschaftlichen Frieden und die kulturelle Integrität, denn den Regierungsverantwortlichen gelingt es nicht, die Migration auf menschenwürdige Weise zu regeln. Das verengt zunehmend die politische Debatte auf restriktive Maßnahmen, die wiederum von kriminellen Kräften umgangen werden. Dieser zerstörerische Teufelskreis kann nur von innovativen Ansätzen überwunden werden, die bisher unberücksichtigte gesellschaftliche Ordnungsfaktoren einbeziehen. Da Innovation wesentlich auf der Fähigkeit beruht, grundlegende Zusammenhänge zu erkennen, sind jetzt die Kräfte in der Gesellschaft gefragt, die seit Jahrzehnten gezeigt haben, dass die von ihnen entwickelte Bildungsprogramme dazu beitragen, das Bewusstsein und die Kreativität der Menschen anzuheben. Dazu zählen Yoga und Meditation, als Erbe der ältesten Wissens-basierten Kultur – die Vedische Kultur. Aus der vedischen-Perspektive ist Bildung der Schlüsselfaktor bei der Steuerung von Migration. Diesen Ansatz untersucht die vom Petitionsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags veröffentlichte Petition 158081 (Oktober/November 2023)
At the beginning of the 21st century in Europe, especially in Germany, unregulated immigration is becoming a burden on social peace and cultural integrity. Those responsible in government fail to regulate migration in a manner satifying the needs of both citizen and migrants. This increasingly narrows the political debate to restrictive measures, which in turn are circumvented by criminal forces. This destructive vicious circle can only be overcome by innovative approaches that incorporate previously unconsidered factors of society. Since innovation is essentially based on the ability to recognize fundamental connections, those sections in society that have shown for decades that the educational programs they have developed help to raise people's awareness and creativity are now in demand. These include yoga and meditation, as the legacy of the oldest knowledge-based culture - the Vedic culture. From the Vedic perspective, education is the key factor in managing migration. This approach is explored in Petition 158081 published by the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag.(October/November 2023)

Situation of the European Yoga Reception according to DER SPIEGEL No. 40, 2023
Meditation and Yoga have developed into a billion-dollar market since the middle of the 20th century. The German news magazine DER SPIEGEL of September 30, 2023, investigates the question to what extent these methods, which belong to the Vedic heritage, fulfill the expectations placed in them and what risks might be associated with them. In order to understand what high quality of meditation and yoga means, the undesirable effects mentioned by the German news magazine are examined. It turns out that academic psychology does not yet have the tools to adequately assess these proven methods of developing consciousness. Experts from the Vedic tradition are needed to ensure high quality in the application and a consistent understanding of meditation and yoga. This is the conclusion of the analysis by Bernd Zeiger and Wolfgang Moselle. (October 2023)
Meditation und Yoga haben sich seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts zu einem Milliardenmarkt entwickelt. Das Deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin DER SPIEGEL vom 30. September 2023 geht der Frage nach, inwieweit diese zum Vedischen Erbe zählenden Methoden, die in sie gesetzten Erwartungen erfüllen und welche Risiken damit evtl. verbunden sein können. Um zu verstehen, was hohe Qualität von Meditation und Yoga bedeutet, werden die von dem Deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin erwähnten unerwünschten Effekte untersucht. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass die akademische Psychologie noch nicht über das Instrumentarium verfügt, diese bewährten Methoden der Bewusstseinsentwicklung angemessen zu beurteilen. Experten aus der Vedischen Tradition sind gefragt, hohe Qualität bei der Anwendung und ein konsistentes Verständnis von Meditation und Yoga zu gewährleisten. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt die Analyse von  Bernd Zeiger und Wolfgang Moselle (Oktober 2023).

Individual and Collective Psychological Rehabilitation and the Establishment of Sustainable Peace 
Individuelle und kollektive psychologische Rehabilitation und die Schaffung nachhaltigen Friedens 
Meditation can be understood as a mind-body practice which not only calms the mind, but also induces deep physiological relaxation by means of regulating the autonomic nervous system. This renders meditation an effective treatment for trauma-related mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, which are characterized by chronic autonomic and neurochemical dysregulation. An application of this approach is presented, which used the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program from the Vedic Yoga tradition to alleviate PTSD and depression in Ukrainian war refugees in Germany. The article ends with an outlook that this meditation technique, in a world so ridden with conflict that whole societies are burdened with the aftermaths of violence and displacement, has the potential to play a crucial role in healing individual and collective trauma, and contribute to the promotion of peace. This abstract is from the original paper by Katharina Freytag and Mykola Didukh (2023)
Traumatized women and children which have left their homes in Ukraine, a country continuously being bombed by Russia since 2022, is given the opportunity to recover from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) through a project inaugurated by Stefan Kauerz in Germany. The scientific and cultural dimension of this peace project is presented in the paper by Katharina Freytag and Mykola Didukh. The charitable Social-psychological Refugee Self Help-association is solely financed by donations. Recipient: SOZIALPSYCHOLOGISCHE GEFLUECHTETEN- SELBSTHILFE e.V., IBAN: DE31 2305 0101 0160 6259 35

The initial attempt with which Frank Papentin started research in the early 1970s and which led to his book “Order, Intelligence and Evolution” (1978 in German) was to unify the Laws of Nature discovered by physics with the insights biology developed about evolution; in particular after decoding the genetic information. The unifying principles applied by F. Papentin stem from research in consciousness, which started due to the global availability of yogic mediation techniques coming from the Vedic tradition. The consciousness-based unification of physics and biology was timely because theoretical biology had started to link the phenomenological description of the observed complexity of forms and pattern emerging in the evolution of life (morphogenesis) with the mathematical concepts which already had proven to by useful in describing the functioning of nature in a holistic, unified way (quantum physics). From the theoretical perspective organisms are in a perpetual process of self-maintenance and self-realization directed by internally-defined qualities of intelligence in particular stability, flexibility, integration, self-protection and cyclic evolution. The historic advancement in biology receives support from the Vedic scientific heritage, which traditionally recognizes consciousness as fundamental reality and the Vedic language as being the sound representations of the impulses of creative intelligence which emerge by virtue of the self interacting dynamics of consciousness. Extensive scientific research on the psycho-physiological effects of Transcendental Meditation taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi made Vedic wisdom accessible to the academic world in terms of the Science of Creative Intelligence (1972). While being a student and PhD graduate in biology at Tübingen University Frank Papentin assimilated both these developments which led him to participate in establishing institutions of research and learning in the USA (MIU) and Europe where all standard texts of Vedic scholarship are available - written and recited - to be analyzed with the most advanced computer technology. At the same time, he developed a mathematical approache to measure the complexity emerging during biological evolution in terms of the length-of-description within the choosen language. This research has been published extensively and F. Papentin´s measure of complexity is well established in the scientific literature, where it is called "Papentin Complexity". This direction of research is already delineated in his book from 1978, made available again by Alfa Veda Publisher.(2023).

The Wholeness Axiom: Completeness of mathematics via Vedic insights ➚
Sets and Wholenesses
The Wholeness Axiom as formulated by Paul Corazza in the 1990s allows set based mathematical thinking to be expanded towards a live-relevant,  holistic world view in which the whole is more than a collection of parts, and parts ultimately are whole themselves. With the advent of quantum mechanics, wholeness already has become the guiding theme of modern culture because it offers the absolute foundation to a fully harmonious utilization of the organizing power of nature. PhD-Research done at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, by B. Piechocinska (2005) revealed the connection between the Wholeness Axiom and quantum mechanical wholeness. Axiomatic set theory distinguishes three ultimate set structures: V = Universe of setsL = Constructable Universe of Sets, and M = countable models of the Universe of Sets. By virtue of an elementary embedding (usually denoted by the letter j) of the Universe of Sets ( V ) to itself,  the Wholeness Axiom implies that the organizing power ("ordinality") inherent in sets - distinguished by their magnitude ("cardinality") - is adequately described. But Paul Corazza´s research does not stop with this formal achievement. As faculty member (since 2004) of Maharishi International University, USA, he strives to eliminate the principle weakness of every formal system already pointed out by K. Gödel in the 1930s: As long as mathematics is not brought to the level of complete self-referal it is not capable to realize its own consistency and completeness. The claim of the Vedic tradition is that Vedic expressions integrate knowledge (name) and organizing ability(form) to such a high degree that they are capable to establish unity in diversity and orderly growth – despite variety in form, relationship, and stepwise progression – because of being sustained by self-referral consciousness. Similar as in physics, where quantum behavior is realized through technologies reaching the necessary threshold for coherence, the emergence of conceptual wholeness requires adequate and effective unifying technologies of consciousness. In several papers, the role of the Vedic approach in making mathematics complete is studied by Paul Corazza (2011 – 2016)

Peace certainly is the most cherished goal of humanity. Yet, all efforts in the documented European history to achieve peace through force or treaties have proven to be a failure, no matter how laudable the intentions. Since the 1960s and 70s due to the global availability of the ancient Vedic heritage, a unique historic situation has emerged. The insights of the Vedic culture together with the advances of modern science provide an understanding why any effort to realize peace solely through action or arguing necessarily must fail. The reason is that peace is a “collective coherent phenomenon”. This means: only those aspects of the individual (or of small or large numbers of people) contribute significantly to peace, which (1) are not localized in space and time and (2) do not apply only specific laws of nature, but (3) include the totality of natural law, the Unified Field of all the laws of nature. Modern science allows gauging collective coherent modes of behavior using advanced research methodology. It turned out, that developing one's own consciousness and cultivating one's mental potential is the most effective contribution to peace. The prevention of war and eliminating damages of the past is an automatic side effect. Careful analysis reveals, when progress in individual life and personal development are at stake frustration and tension built up in the hearts and minds, spread via behavior into society and gradually accumulate to such a degree, that accidents, crime, social unrest, terrorism and - finally - wars occur. The Veda and Vedic Literature not only describes these mechanisms very clearly, but also provides measures how to control them. In spite of all this, the precious Vedic heritage faces extinction. In the 1970s for the first time scientific research on the effects of Transcendental Meditation showed, how effective the ancient Vedic insights are in revitalizing all levels of life. This has been verified objectively by studying physiological, biochemical, psychological and sociological changes accompanying the development of consciousness. The research results demonstrates that every individual contributes “to the integrity of his nation and to global progress by enjoying fulfillment through enlightenment”, exactly as described by Rig Veda. In a 50-page brochure published by Maharishi International University, USA, this scientific break through is substantiated in terms of “Five Fundamentals of Progress and National Integrity” proposed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the basis of his modern approach to Vedic wisdom called Science of Creative Intelligence, and through a paper on the “Neurophysiology of Enlightenmentprepared for the 26th International Congress of Physiological Science in New Delhi by Robert Keith Wallace, October 1974.

The research of Harald Harung, Norway, documented in this bibliography, started in the 1980s. It gained momentum in the 1990s through the collaboration with scientists from Maharishi International University, USA. This university is renowned for its educational expertise in developing creative intelligence and in determining the psychophysiological and electrophysiological correlates of optimal brain function. The themes covered by the listed scientific papers and books mirror the fruitfulness of the research cooperation. The remarkable finding is, that the mind-brain state which allows outstanding individual performance provides at the same time the principle how leaders exhibit optimal ability to maintain societal progress and harmony. The reciprocity between individuals rising in creative intelligence, and the degree of coherence in collective behavior, has been repeatedly confirmed using sophisticated research methodologies and various research approaches. The fundamentals of effective leadership discovered by H. Harung and his colleges are further confirmed (1) through the insights available in traditional cultures, especially in the Vedic culture of India, and (2) by the ordering principles of nature discovered by modern science. The Bhagavad Gita, the concise compendium of traditional Vedic wisdom, after having explained (in chapter 2) how every single individual can progress towards perfection through the unifying practice of Yoga, describes (in chapter 3) the influence outstanding individuals have in society: “Whatsoever a great man does, the very same is also done by other men. Whatever standard he sets, the world follows it.” Modern science attributes such a coherence effect to the Third Law of Thermodynamic. According to this principle, order is created in a collective system when a few individual units perform in the “state of least excitation” which is unrestricted in space (delocalized). In such a situation, a “field effect” exists through the spreading of coherence. Thus, the same principle which creates order in nature is also the leadership principle which safeguards progressive development in all areas of human endeavor. The practical validity of the Unified Theory of Performance which integrates modern scientific and ancient Vedic insights is confirmed by research studies - investigating high-performing athletes, managers, and musicians - conducted by Harald Harung(1984 - 2023).

What does it mean when experts say, Yoga-Meditation is natural, effortless and automatic?
Was heißt es, wenn Experten sagen, Yoga-Meditation ist natürlich, mühelos und automatisch?

Die Vedische Sprache: Sprache der Natur  ➚
Die Kulturtragende Funktion der Veden lässt sich am besten verstehen, wenn sie als Sprache der Natur verstanden werden, d. h. als Klangdarstellung der Naturgesetze. Die Naturgesetze gelten überall im Universum und sind automatisch wirksam. Im Lauf der Zeit entstand die Notwendigkeit, die Klänge der Veden und deren Verwendung auch schriftlich zu fixieren. Es besteht ein wesentlicher Unterschied zwischen der Vedischen Sprache und den in Schriftform niederlegten Sprachen. In dem Buch "Das Vedische Erbe" weist Prodosh Aich darauf hin, dass aufgrund dieser Entwicklung vier Arten von Sprachen (Bhasha) unterschieden werden können, die sich in der Zahl der verwendeten Spracheinheiten unterscheiden: 
1. Chhando Bhasha - 97 Einheiten 
2. Laukika Bhasha - 64 Einheiten 
3. Devanagari Bhasha - 51 Einheiten 
4. Bhoota Bhasha - 42 Einheiten. 
Die Veden werden in Chhando Bhasha mündlich überliefert. Die 97 Einheiten der Vedischen Sprache repräsentieren fundamentale Impulse und Qualitäten der Natur in Klangform. Die UNESCO zählt die Veda-Rezitation zum schützenswerten immateriellen Erbe der Menschheit. "Die Ganzheit des vedischen Wissensschatzes kann in keine andere untergeordnete Sprache übertragen werde" betont Prodosh Aich (2022):

Vedic Numbers: Mathematical symbols and consciousness 
This summary of a lecture held at the universities of Tübingen, Stuttgart and Heidelberg in 1974 had been given as handout to the audience. The lecture was part of a presentation of the curriculum of Maharishi International University, The aim of the University, established 1973 in Iowa, USA, is to supplement and support the objective approach of modern science by the methodologies of Vedic science, which emphasize on unfolding the creative potential of human consciousness. Modern science uses the language of mathematics yielding formal representations of the laws of nature in terms of relationships between numbers and associated symbols. Vedic science by using sound representations of the laws of nature focuses on the relationship between language and consciousness. The lecture argues that the inclusion of consciousnesses into mathematics already is necessitated by the foundations of mathematics itself. By solely relying on the intrinsic logic of mathematics, Kurt Gödel (1906 - 1978 ) could prove two meta-mathematical theorems indicating the incompletness of knowledge based solely on the axiomatic approach, because it neglects the infinitely creative, self-referral  nature of consciousness. In the 1990s after 20 years of research into the Vedic foundations of numbers, a vision developed which includes self-referral consciousness into the meaning and symbolic notation of numbers, by embedding the conceptual diversity of number systems into the unified reality of the Absolute Number (not to be confused with the mathematical notion of  "absolute  value"). This achievement already is envisioned in this early lecture of Michael Weinless, professor of mathematics at Maharishi International University from 1973 to 1997.

Maharishi’s Absolute Number: 
The Mathematical Theory and Technology of Everything
This article is the first academic acknowledgment of the Absolute Number, a conceptual reality introduced in 1996 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1918 – 2008) to provide the foundation to the urgently needed next developmental step to overcome the fundamental limitations of modern science and technology. The article has been published in ‘Modern Science and Vedic Science’ Vol 7, pp. 165-178 (1997) and states that "The Absolute Number fulfills the historical goals of mathematics by giving complete understanding of the entire range of orderliness and precision studied by mathematics."  The article arrives to this conclusion by showing that the Absolute Number eliminates the weakness of two defining themes of modern mathematics, characterized by the author as sensory-based mathematics and intellect-based mathematics: 
1.The Absolute Number provides the junction point where intellectual concepts meet the reality of consciousness in which they ultimately are structured. The Absolute Number is not known by intellectual discrimination alone but requires direct access to the field of pure intelligence which is self-referral consciousness. The phenomenon of self-referral is the simplest form of intelligence.
2. The practical significance of the Absolute number is due to the fact that advances in science and technology depend on the available level of mathematical precision. E.g. 20th century theoretical physics could conceive the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature and the Theory of Everything through the mathematical notions of supersymmetry and of strings respectively. The final stroke of this development is provided by the Absolute Number, the reality of numbering in self-referral consciousness. The author of this first detailed analysis of Maharishi's Absolute Number is the Australian Mathematician John Frederick Price (1997).

Forschungsberichte 2022

Research Reports 2022
Vedic Europe: Vedic life on the basis of Yoga and Yogic meditation

Global Union of Scientists for Peace
The Global Union of Scientists for Peace(GUSP) is an initiative of scientists and educators from Maharishi International University, Iowa, USA. The research at this University focuses on the theory and application of Transcendental Meditation. According to the 40-page brochure published at the GUSP website "Transcendental Meditation technique was revived from the ancient Vedic Tradition and reformulated as a systematic scientific procedure by the physicist and scholar Maharishi Mahesh Yogi." As confirmed by a large body of scientific studies conducted at academic Institutions worldwide, the practice of this meditation enriches all aspects of life - individual and collective. In the Vedic understanding, continuous progress of the individual and ideal societal development are the foundations of lasting peace. Even so, scientist are the expert thinkers in every country dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and technology, the actual direction life takes depends on the minds of all the people, expressing different degrees of destructive or creative tendencies. The first Global Peace summit organized by GUSP convened in June 2017 in Kiev and brought together scientists, educators and political leaders to discuss the nonviolent prevention oriented Vedic approach promoting progress and cultural development. Some of the main speakers and topics of the conference were John Hagelin:The Brain-Based Approach to Peace, Ashley Deans: Consciousness-Based Education, Col. Gunter Chassé: Advanced Military Science: Incorporating a Field-Tested Brain-Based Approach to National Security, Mykola Didukh: Creating a Prevention Wing of the Military in Ukraine. The full conference report including media coverage and followup projects is available at the GUSP website (Ukraine,2017)

Ramayana is the oldest epic in the world history of literature, minimum 870 000 years. The great kind-hearted saint Adi Kavi (the first poet laureate) Valmiki wrote Ramayana not only to sing the melodious glory and story of Sri Rama, the Prince of Ayodhya but to present to the posterity a practical philosophy of life, a vision of Truth, by telling how to lead a pious life, within the prevailing conditions of one’s existential conditions. A society or a community is called decent or civilized on its outer aspect, such as its outer behaviour. Our civilized manner is displayed by lifestyle, eating habits, physical development, family behaviour etc… Whereas culture determines our internal thinking, knowledge, science etc. Simply speaking, our culture dictates our behaviour. Ramayana was a deciding factor to develop a human civilization and will continue to be the deciding factor of human morality and ethical life:.” After such background information the articles presents typical traits of the Ramayana era: the "social view, great five yagyas, culture, ideal family, status of women, environment, vastu and science:
On this basis the “Ramayana literary importance”, “Ramayana in today's World” and “Ramayana ideal format of democracy” are discussed. “It is a matter of satisfaction that Ramayana has received global recognition” in culture and spirituality “as well as part of the International Ramayana Conference This indicates that Ramayana is a pillar for the way of life in our civilization.” The complete article is published here by permission of Shri Anantbodh Chaitanya (2022) 

Der Alpha Veda Verlag veröffentlichte von 2020 bis 2022 in fünf Bänden die Deutsche Übersetzung des Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam. Dieses umfangreiche Werk gehört zu den 18 Maha-Puranas der Vedischen Literatur. "Purana" beteutet auf Deutsch "ewig" bzw. "uralt". In diesen Texten wird gezeigt, wie die in der Welt wirkenden destruktiven Kräfte (Asura) mit den kreativen Kräften (Devas) im Gleichgewicht gehalten werden. Verfasser der Originaltexte ist Maharishi Veda Vyasa (etwa 3000 BC). Die 1921/22 erschiene englische Übersetzung durch Swami Vijnanananda(1868 – 1938) wurde von Michael Stibane ins Deutsche übertragen. Ergänzend erläutert er auf seiner Webseite, wie der Mensch Nutzen aus den uralten Darstellungen ziehen kann, die sich auf zeitlos-ewige Kräfte beziehen: Devi - die  alles nährende, göttliche Mutter Natur  und die kreativen Entwicklungs-Impulse - Devas, deren Wirken durch die Asura gestört wird, die dadurch jeder Stagnation entgegenwirken. Die subtile Form dieser Störungen kann als „Asura-Popaganda“ bezeichnet werden. Der Soziologe Prodosh Aich nennt das in seinen Arbeiten "Macht-Medien-Manipulation". Das Studium der Puranas ermöglicht ein viel umfassenderes Verständnis des Weltgeschehens als die streng chronologische Geschichtsbetrachtung, die nur relativ kleine Zeiträume erfassen kann. Die Gesamtentwicklung der Schöpfung wird nicht durch die Willkür einzelner Mächte bestimmt oder dem Zufall überlassen, sondern folgt einem Göttlichen Plan. Der Schlüssel zum Verständnis des Devi Bhagavata Purana ist die in der Bhagavad Gita entwickelte Lehre von den drei Grundqualitäten (Gunas) der Natur, die eine Vierfache Ordnung der Schöpfung begründet. Die praktische Anwendung der Theorie der drei Gunas zur Steuerung der Entwicklung geschieht durch die Bewusstseinsentwicklung des Menschen. Es ist lehrreich, von Swami Vivekanande(1863 – 1902) gemachten Langzeit-Voraussagen,  mit den Entwicklungstrends am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts zu vergleichen. Als Einzeltexte zugänglich sind all diese Themen auf der Webseite von Michael Stibane (2020). 

In Search of Vedic Wisdom: Forms of Alternative Spirituality in Contemporary Russia
The University of Tartu, Estonia, accepted 2020 this dissertation of Irina Sadovina for the commencement of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Literature and Cultural Research. The complete thesis is available online on an open access basis 
Irina Sadovina gives the following summary of her findings: "The social climate in contemporary Russia is not particularly indulgent towards alternative spirituality. Viewed by the law as secondary to the country’s “historical religions,” such movements often appear at the center of controversies and are vilified in the media. Nevertheless, alternative spirituality in today’s Russia has not only survived but flourished. For example, the teachings of Vedic Wisdom have made successful inroads into popular psychology. How can we explain the resilience of this concept, and the alternative spirituality milieu ingeneral, given the hostile environment? Current scholarship on Russian alternative spirituality tends to approach these questions either by tracing the large-scale changes in the country’s religious landscape, or by focusing on the dynamics of single movements. I argue, however, that the picture of alternative spirituality in Russia is incomplete without a third perspective, which can capture the mutual entanglement of the milieu. In this project, I develop such a perspective by focusing on Vedic Wisdom. Based on traditional and virtual ethnographic research in Russia (2012-2019), this project shows that Vedic Wisdom is not a single teaching, but a discursive cluster that forms a distinct vernacular belief tradition within the Russian alternative spirituality milieu. In the thesis, I describe three of its most influential iterations: neo-Hindu teachings, Slavic-inspired spirituality and popular psychology. In the case studies that make up this project, I show how different actors –from spiritual seekers to feminist activists – engage in negotiation, legitimation, contestation and other discursive practices that make and unmake the Vedic Wisdom tradition. To explain the paradoxical resilience of Vedic Wisdom, I show that it is implicated in broader national and global cultural phenomena: notably, the turn towards traditional values and the popularization of neoliberal practices of the self." (Irina Sadovina; 2020)

Alliances for Peace through Vedic Culture
Modern European Culture is rather young, approximately only 500 years, but rapidly spread all over the world through colonisation, trade, imperialism, education and communication. The typical European values which developed since the 16th century rely on (1) research into the principles governing the behavior of everything in the universe, (2) technologies using the global natural resources to improve the quality of life, and (3) academic education to develop the human potential. European Culture is also called Western in contrast to the cultural values of the East. The one-sided Western emphasis on fragmentation rather than unity by neglecting the role of consciousness lead to severe problems which require an extension in methodology: (1) to correct environmental imbalances, (2) to establish a self-regenerative and self-sustaining mode of living, and (3) to develop mistake-free thinking in accord with all the laws of nature. In the 20th century it has been shown by representatives of the Vedic culture, that (1) Vedic technologies called Yagya are able to eliminate the negative effects of violations of the laws of nature, that (2) through methods described in the Upa-Vedas - Ayu, Gandharva, Dhanu and Sthapatya Veda – societal administration can be transformed to safeguard cultural integrity, invincibility and unobstructed development, so that every country contributes maximum to world harmony, and that (3) through Yogic meditation the full mental potential of every individual is developed. 5000 years ago Shri Krishna explained in the Bhagavad Gita (6,15): “Collecting himself, the yogi or disciplined mind attains to peace (Shanti); the supreme liberation that abides in Me.” The call goes to all government leaders to utilize the time tested Vedic technologies to solve already existing problems and prevent future ones. Alliance with the Vedic Heritage of India - “Land of the Veda" - to establish peace through Yagya, Ayurveda and Yoga. (B. Zeiger, Editor, July 2022) 

Vedic Narrative
During the second half of the 20th century, Vedic Culture became available in every country of the world through Yoga-Teachers, Meditation Centres and facilities offering Ayurveda treatments. Millions of people are taking this advantage to eliminate and prevent stress, anxiety and disease. The growth of consciousness and increased societal coherence accompanying this development stimulated progress in education, science, and politics, as indicated by the discovery of the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature by physics, the peaceful settling of the East-West Conflict ("German Unification") and the developments toward European Union. But at the beginning of the 21st century unifying developments are faced with  diversifying tendencies. A dramatic example is Russia's military invasion of Ukraine with the intention to stop the neighbour country to become part of the European Union and benefit from the NATO protection shield. This points to the importance of monitoring the availability of Vedic Culture in every country, because of its ability to balance unity and diversity. 
India, where the Vedic Culture has been preserved since time immemorial, has the required Vedic experts  and  the necessary infrastructure of traditional centres of learning to contribute effectively to world peace. In other parts of the world such experts have to be trained and structures created  to safeguard the cultural integrity, sovereignty and invincibility of every nation. The Contribution of Ukraine to Vedic Europe is expected to be very significant. (Dr. Zeiger, Editor,  Summer 2022)

Vedic Europe - balancing individualistic and collectivistic cultures
Vedic Europe
At the beginning of the 21st century, globalization and increased communication calls for a balancing principle to maintain coherence among the multitude of cultures in the world. The Vedic culture has been able since antiquity to maintain unity among the cultural diversity of South Asia and still is one of the largest cultures in the world. Vedic culture is not another Religion competing with Islam, Christianity or Judaism as the term "Hinduism" might suggests, but rather is a detailed and systematically structured body of knowledge dealing in theory and practice with the evolution of consciousnesses. All European countries have access now to the Vedic cultural heritage both on the academic level and within society.  Several million people of Europe are already living according to Vedic principles which have proven their effectiveness in solving basic problems of modern civilization as stress, anxiety, chronic disease and societal unrest by creating and maintaining orderliness in mind, body and behavior. Because Vedic culture emphasizes on the development of consciousness through a scientific approach, it can easily be integrated into modern education. By overcoming the one-sided objective approach to knowledge, Europe can become a balancing power in the family of nations; in particular between the individualistic American way of life and the collectivistic approach prevailing in Russia, thereby maintain peace in the family of nations. The degree in which the countries of Europe have assimilated the Vedic Heritage of India has been presented at a conference in Stockholm 2017 the material of which was extended till 2020 into a two volumed Handbook of Hinduism in Europe.