Vedanta in the light of transcendental consciousness

Optimizing the quality of life of individual and society requires the application of previously unused principles of life. Although these principles have been known for thousands of years, there are not enough teachers who have put these principles into practice. That's why every generation in  each  country has had to discover these insights again and again. and it always turned out that the oldest knowledge was discoved to to be the most modern 

The Vedanta system handed down in India, is of central importance for the future of modern civilisation for three main reasons:
  1. The cultivation of the quality of Being, the I-ness: Ignorance of this quality has brought much suffering to mankind and continues to do so, because the question of who I am has remained a mystery to the majority.
  2. Yoga and Meditaton prepares the ground:  Since the 20th century, important representatives of the Vedic culture of India have made the techniques of yoga and meditation accessible promote the developent of consciousness.
  3. The light of transcendental consciousnes: An approach to the ancient knowledge has been developed that combines experience and intellectual understanding so that there is no longer any doubt about the fundamental principles of life as they are stated by Vedanta.
The emphasis in presenting the strategy of Vedanta is on the mathematical pecision of the influx of the light of transcendental pure conscioousness into all areas of life individual and collective.

As an introduction, the infusion of being is illustrated using 13 verses of the Crest Jewel of  Discrimination by Shri Shankara.

Table of Content:
1. The 13 selected verses of Viveka Chudamani in English
2. What each verse of Viveka Chudamani expresses
3. The analysis of the entire structure of the Viveka Chudamani
4. Consequences of the self-referral, cyclic inner structure of Viveka Chudamani
4.1 Connecting the beginning and end
4.2 Synchrony of part and whole
4.3 The ease of being in pure consciousness
4.4 The purifying power of the light of pure consciousness - paramatman

Next follows a summary of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's program of numerical deciphering of Vedic texts from the Bhagavad Gita via the Rig Veda to the physiological interpretation of the Veda and the Vedic Literature, published step by step over a period of 40 years starting in the 1960s. This mathematical approach further simplifies and accelerates the process of global enlightenment.