Vedic Ice Age Culture: Source and Reference to 15 000 Years of Global Cultural Development

Quotes selected by Dr. Bernd Zeiger 
Editor of the Veda Science Magazine

The cultivation and development of mankind is a long time process which seems to be never ending, but occurs in distinct stages. Historians record significant events of the past to ensure the advancement of wisdom in the present for a better future. One important lesson from history is, that wars should be avoided by all means, because of the damaging effect they leave behind and which future generations have to eradicate. Wars are never inevitable if one knows the mechanism why and how they break out. Like other catastrophic events war occurs, when tensions have built up within a system to such a degree that the internal order cannot be maintained anymore. Such a disturbance of collective order is due to certain actions and interactions of the individual components which disrupt the orderly collective development. According to the laws of nature, any development big or small occurs in stages of rest and activity. Tension only built up when this balance of rest and activity is disturbed. When activity has reached a certain optimum,deep regenerative rest  is  necessary to ensure the continuity of progress. This is the way how nature works and how evolution proceeds. War is not regenerative, but destructive. According to the Third law of Thermodynamics, regenerative rest requires that the activity within a system is reduced to a less exited state where order can build up again. Optimal order correspond to least excitation. In the state of least excitation, even the destructive forces are working towards coherence. To understand the present situation of the world we have to go back to the last ice age, which can be considered an intensive state of regenerative rest  from which a development started which now seems to approach an optimum of unfoldment. How this optimum will look like and what role Europe, Russia, and America play to achieve it and bring it to fulfillment, will be gauged  here through quotes from ancient and modern historians. To stop and dissove the destructive tendencies which manifested 2022 in the world in a way that they never get a chance to pop up again, modern science and technology have to be transformed  by providing regenerative rest to the individuel and to society.  The following stages of cultural development are currently recognized having contributed to the current global civilization 
  • Starting 500 years ago: European Culture promoted by Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, Germany future trend: one world culture of sovereign nations 
  • Starting 2500 years ago: Mediterranean culture promoted by Phoenicians, Greece, Romans, Jews, Arabs, and Germanic people , Limits: Vikings, Africans, India, Mongols, Chinese. 
  • Starting 5000 years ago. “Fertile Crescent (including the Nile)“ promoted by Sumerian, Akkad, and Egyptian ; Contact limits:Turan, Persia, India, and Africa  
  • Starting 7000 years ago: Caspian-Region promoted by Turan and Iran , Limits: north (Caspian decent) and south ( Indian ocean) 
  • 10 000 years ago: Asian monsoon region:Vedic culture and early Chinese culture 
The Vedic culture of India seems to be both the source and the promoter of the cultural development after the last ice age. All subsequent cultural developments have referred back to the Vedic culture, which originated in pre-ice-age-times. In the cultural development after the last ice age, every mayor cultural era lasted between 2000 – 3000 years. In the light of this rule, the modern cultural development is rather young and has about 2000 years of further development ahead to reach fulfillment. What can be achieved in the future by incorporating the Vedic heritage into the modern global civilization is substantiated by quotes from historic research which specify the impact Vedic culture had in the past

(to be continued)