Meditation and the Light of Paramatman

Answers by Mother Meera

The answers of Mother Meera are reprinted by permission from

Practice of Meditation and Japa

Mother Meera has said that it is good to meditate every day. Most great Saints have agreed that the simple repetition – Japa – of a Divine name is one of the most powerful practices. What is essential is that the chosen Name should inspire you, so that it moves you inwardly with divine-seeking emotion. Japa is simple to incorporate into our sadhana (Sanskrit: lit. ‘system of spiritual practice’) even if we don’t have time for formal meditation. In truth, the royal road to the heart and the deep-self is humility. Humility and heartfelt devotion are the easiest ways to God: as Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita: ‘a simple leaf or flower offered with true devotion goes straight to the heart of the Lord.’

Q: Is formal meditation important?

MM: Yes, to meditate a half an hour or an hour is good. But if one becomes fanatical, wants to leave one’s job, live alone and meditate twenty-four hours a day, that is not good.

Q: What kind of meditation should we do?

MM: Close your eyes and sit in silence and do japa on any divine name.

Q: What is japa? Why is it so important?

MM: Japa is the repetition of the name of that in which we believe. Japa is essential. Japa is not simple words – each divine name is full of divine vibrations. These surround us and protect us and penetrate both our bodies and our whole inner being. Remembrance of the divine name gives immediate peace and happiness and turns us from the worldly to the Divine.
There is no special and limited time for japa. It is very good to do japa all day. If this is not possible then remember whenever it is possible. We can practice japa during all activities. It is easier to remember when we do physical work without mental work. This japa helps us to purify our consciousness and make our sadhana easy.

Q: How should we say japa?

MM: Simply. Just say it. In doing japa, one should not strain or try to achieve something specific. One should try to be sincere and to have love of God. The power immediately follows, whether you are aware of it or not.

Q: Would you explain the power of the name?

MM: Each syllable of a divine name – such as Krishna or Jesus – has vibrations which change the atmosphere. Any object that we think about repeatedly generates its own vibration. Even though mantras are strong and powerful, we may not feel the effects immediately but results will come. One can feel the differences in the vibrations of words. Using the word, one can make things change.

Q: In meditation on a form of the Divine, is it enough to just have the feeling of the Divine, or must one say the mantra as well?

MM: It is enough to have the feeling. But it is good to mentally repeat the name of the Divine as well, because doing this trains the mind and heart.

Q: What is the best technique of meditation?

MM: There are so many techniques. Generally they confuse people. Quite often they increase people’s spiritual pride instead of destroying it. The proud man is far from God. You have to be very careful. The best way is to remember the Divine in everything and to offer everything to the Divine.

Q: What is the importance of asking the Divine for something?

MM: If you want anything – love, truth, or courage, for example – you must ask for it. If you ask God for anything humbly and lovingly, you will receive it. But you must ask with your whole heart, so that your heart can be empty and God can fill it. If there is any pride in it, he cannot fill it as much. God wants to give you everything; you must learn how to let him. For this you need surrender. The reward of surrender is bliss and knowledge.

Livestream-Meditations "wherever you are"

During the Corona pandemie every day at 7 pm CEST there is live streamed Meditation with Mother Meera

Q: How can I be happy in difficult times?

MM: Whatever your problem is, learn to relax, accept the matter with a peaceful attitude and offer it to the Divine. The Divine blessing and help are always there.

Q: What is the best way to pray to God?

MM: Whenever we need help we can ask the Divine for help. It is even better to remember God always, in every moment of your life.

Q: If there is one practice you could recommend for people right now, what would it be, e.g. japa or meditation?

MM: I do not recommend a single practice. I do not say do this mantra or that mantra. In the moment, according to how we feel, we can call on God, or Mother, or the Divine; we can say “God help me.” In that moment you must feel what you want to ask, and the words will come automatically, without your thinking. If you really need help, the words will come automatically.

Q: During the livestreamed meditations, are you working on a different level?

MM: During meditation I am there in people’s lives. I am there to console them, and to give support for whatever they need.

Q: Can you see our individual problems? And are you sending light to us individually?

MM: I am sending light to everybody, individually, or in a group; the light is for everybody.

Paramatman Light

The Light contains all the Divine qualities: Love, Grace, Power, Bliss, Knowledge Mother Meera is simply telling us to allow ourselves to become open to it and receive its blessing. She Herself will help us perfect our power of reception and self-illumination. It is her promise, her Will, that she will help us become more and more transparent to Beauty, Power, Wisdom – all those Divine qualities that all of Nature yearns for. The more we open ourselves, the more we learn to allow the Light to shine through us, the more harmonious will be our individual lives and the whole of human life on Earth.

Q: What does it mean to bring down the Paramatman Light? Isn’t Paramatman already everywhere?

MM: The Paramatman Light is everwhere, but when one needs it one must know when, where, how and for what to use it. The Light was always there; I prayed to Paramatman, the Supreme Being, to be able to use it. The Light has never been USED before. Like electricity, it is everywhere, but one must know how to activate it. I have come for that.

Q: What is the importance of the Paramatman Light?

MM: I called down the Paramatman Light. The Paramatman Light is in everything. The work of transformation will be done much more quickly, providing people are open. Even if they are not open now, the pressure and power of the Light are so great that they will become open.

Q: Do you want to begin a religion?

MM: No. The Divine is the sea. All religions are rivers leading to the sea. Some rivers wind a great deal. Why not go to the sea directly?

Q: Mother, may I know Your work, please?

MM: First of all, I bring down the Light and establish Peace, also I help the people to surrender to the Divine, to remember the Divine and to be faithful and sincere to their religion or to their belief. I help people to be happy in their families.

Q: What is your main purpose?

MM: It is to help humans and to make them happy, peaceful, contented, harmonious, and loving. Happiness and spiritual growth are connected. Being peaceful and being happy form the most important foundation of spiritual practice. Then the practice goes by itself.

Q: What is your aim?

MM: To protect all aspects of the human being.

Q: The work of the Mother in the world is going on all the time now, isn’t it?

MM: All the time. The consciousness of mankind is being prepared for great leaps and discoveries – in a gentle way wherever possible. But some things will have to be destroyed. I do not like to destroy; I like to change things. But where there is no openness there must be destruction.
However, God is giving man a great chance. Many divine persons are here. We are showing man a way out; we are offering him the divine Light, the divine knowledge. We are bringing down into the consciousness of the Earth the divine consciousness. Now man must choose. Man is free; God will not force his children to do anything. He wants their free love. Mercy and love are always there.

Q: You have brought down the Paramatman Light to help speed the work of world and individual transformation. Is there an aspect to your work other than that of bringing down the Light?

MM: I have come to say that all paths are as good as each other and all lead to the Divine, and that therefore the various believers should respect each other’s ways. For example, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and other religious people can believe and follow their own faith, but should not hate or fight others’ faith. People who follow any path can come to me – I help them to remember the Divine, and give them peace and happiness when they are in trouble.

Q: If you leave your body, will the Light leave with you?

MM: It will stay, it will continue. Each Avatar brings down a particular Light which changes human history. We have to try to reveal that Light which is hidden in us as a bud. It must blossom like a flower. In all things everywhere, in all beings, the Light is hidden, and it must be revealed. If we try with all our hearts we will be successful… We will live perpetually in the Paramatman Light and be Paramatman. I want the Paramatman Light to blossom everywhere.

Q: What should we do to receive your Light and help when you are not with us physically? How can we find the constant inner contact with you? What should we do to progress in our practice, our sadhana? Do you expect anything from those who put in your hands the direction of their life and their sadhana?

MM: Concerning sadhana, you must do japa when you want to receive my Light and help when I am not physically with you. Only through japa do you have constant inner contact with me. If you want to make any progress in the sadhana, you must practice japa. This is the easy way to remember the Divine. I do not expect anything from any human beings, but when they are sincere and serious in their sadhana, it gives me happiness.