Bernd F. Zeiger
(December 17, 2023)
The human right to education forms the basis of the petition (Appendix 1) submitted to the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag at the end of September 2023 to direct strong uncontrolled migration flows into an orderly channel through a legally binding work-study education program developed specifically for migrants. The discussion of the petition (Appendix 2) made it clear that, despite the efforts of the UN and UNESCO, the role of education in achieving the optimal quality of life for individuals and society is still receiving far too little attention worldwide. The phenomenon of strong, uncontrolled migration flows is ultimately just the symptom of a deficit in the development of every person's creative potential that exists in all countries around the world. Because of a lack of development opportunities, people move to where they see greater opportunities. There is therefore a close connection between education and migration, which is examined in more detail here as an explanation of the petition. The conclusion of the following considerations is that human rights-based education is ultimately the same as consciousness-based education.
1. Migration and human rights-based education
Migration in all its forms is happening all the time. It is a fundamental phenomenon in human history that occurs when a developmental impulse affecting many people requires a change of location. The intelligence and energy brought by migrants is referred to as “decision with your feet”. Uncontrolled, cross-border migration flows are a challenge to the internal order and cultural integrity of a country. In ancient China, the Roman Empire, and the Soviel Empire, much intelligence and energy was invested in border fortifications to control migration. Due to the global recognition of universal human rights, military border protection is becoming increasingly less important. New human rights-based strategies to control uncontrolled migration flows are needed. Especially because as climate change accelerates, many areas of the world are becoming uninhabitable.
In a development phase of profound global changes, humanity's oldest culture - the Vedic culture - becomes a model, because over many millennia it has managed to maintain its integrity to this day, despite a wide variety of climatic challenges and the invasion of foreign peoples. Throughout recorded history, the Indian subcontinent has repeatedly experienced strong migration flows, both from and to the outside as well as within. The migration waves of the past millennia can still be proven today using genetic studies. At the same time, the Vedic culture remained intact and integrated the diverse ethnic groups, world views and religions into a universal consciousness and science-related overall context: called the Veda, the oldest traditional knowledge of humanity.
Human right to education
From a psychophysiological point of view, the human right to education is the consequence of the consciousness inherent in humans, which, through consciousness-related qualities of intelligence, becomes a potential that gradually unfolds, driven by the tendency inherent in the human mind to expand the range of experience and action. From this perspective, education is the development of the human potential of consciousness through the cultivation of intelligence and the driving forceca of the mind (thinking, feeling). To enable every person to develop and express their full intelligence potential, the scientific and technical culture of modern times meets with the oldest knowledge of humanity. In the currently emerging global knowledge culture, this kind of education is the controlling factor of all social development, including migration.
Education for everyone - yes - but in a way that conveys the most modern state of knowledge and at the same time continues tried and tested traditions. What the petition implicitly proposes is the establishment of a permanent commission at the federal level that would draw up a framework curriculum for the entire education system, constantly adapted to the needs of the time. This framework curriculum forms the core of the education program for migrants, which always precedes the migrants' schooling or vocational training.
The historical European model for such a framework curriculum is Friedrich Schiller's letters “On the Aesthetic Education of Man” (1795), which in turn are based on the principles of Immanuel Kant, which were given a modern form in the 20th century through quantum physics and became tangible through artificial intelligence. This universal level of education - which applies to all people - is currently still criminally neglected.
Only through universal education does every culture become stronger and enrich every other culture. Only then is it possible to recognize and use tradition and modernity, western and eastern knowledge, global north and global south, order and freedom, in short, all apparent cultural opposites as complementary aspects of an underlying unity.
Theory of education-based migration management
As the discussion of the petition revealed, some consider the petition's proposal plausible and worth examining, but others do not believe in it and reject guaranteeing permanent residence to every migrant who takes part in an educational program regulated by federal law immediately from entry until their integration can be viewed as secured.
However, since the implementation of this proposal involves a great deal of legal, organizational and personnel effort, the question arises as to what certainty can be expected that a work-study program regulated by federal law with regard to sponsorship, curriculum and duration will actually be uncontrolled Migration will be made to disappear? Is it worth the effort and what are the chances of success?
This leads to the fundamental question: Which natural principles of life can justify the proposed legal measures to set up migrant education centers?
The answer arises from scientific knowledge about the interplay between the individual and the collective, as they have been independently discovered in all areas of nature and life since the beginning of the 20th century. In physics, chemistry and materials research, in biology, ecology and sociology.
It quickly became clear that cross-disciplinary laws apply to the interaction between the individual and the collective. The findings were first systematically summarized in the 1970s as synergetics or the theory of self-organization. On this basis, we began to understand social areas such as health, education, administration, defense, law and order, industrial development, agriculture and cultural integrity as well as international relations as collective phenomena and to develop strategies that ensure interaction (coherence) support financially.
The approach to managing uncontrolled cross-border migration presented in the petition also assumes that this is a collective phenomenon to which the well-known natural laws of interaction apply.
Since these natural laws, which promote synergy and coherence, are widely known, the government can use them as a basis to take legal measures to steer uncontrolled migration into an orderly channel so that the internal order and integrity of the countries involved are not jeopardized.
Migration processes that occur in collective systems are always based on balancing a level difference between a restrictive state of deficiency and a state of smooth further development. From this perspective, cross-border migration is a natural phenomenon that arises under the pressure of an emergency in one country and moves towards greater development opportunities in another country.
Education can also be understood as a phenomenon of the interrelationship between individual and collective behavior.
The effectiveness of the strategy proposed in the petition follows from the close connection between education and migration. Both in the area of education and in migration there is a force of development that pushes every individual to express their inherent development potential. The goal of education and migration is achieved when everyone can shape their life in a way that corresponds to their entire mental and emotional abilities. Constant individual development is the basis of lasting social peace.
New insights meet traditional wisdom
Since a government is expected to maintain law and order in society, it is its responsibility to provide not only citizens but also migrants with an education through which each contributes to the sovereignty, cultural integrity and security of the country is preserved. Otherwise, there is a risk that migration will cause a society to lose its integrity and sink into chaos. Education that prevents this must not stop at imparting theoretical knowledge, but should also include the ability to use this knowledge knowledge practically to add.
The educational knowledge that is available at the beginning of the 21st century is a synthesis of the findings of modern science about the principles and collective behavior in nature and life, with the wisdom of life from a wide variety of cultural traditions. The approach to living in the oldest culture of humanity - the Vedic culture of India - is based on the fact that knowledge is a structure of consciousness. Quantum mechanics and information theory complemented this by recognizing that knowledge has organizing power.
The supersymmetry, which in quantum field theory leads to the unified field of all laws of nature, corresponds in the Vedic tradition to yoga, the system through which the transcendental reality of consciousness as a field of all possibilities becomes accessible to everyone. By acting on the quantum mechanical level of unrestricted connection, no disorder can arise because all natural laws are included.
Such an approach to education is both modern and traditional because it has consciousness as its absolute reference point and because the linguistic representation of the process of how knowledge arises in consciousness is accessible as the Veda. As a dynamic of consciousness, knowledge arises in the constant alternation between the unlimited active continuum of consciousness and the equally unlimited, unmanifested silence of consciousness. That is, the total knowledge known as Veda is the result of a oscillation back and forth between activity and rest or one and zero. Quantum physics describes this interplay of activity and rest as transitions between excited states and the state of least excitation or vacuum state. In the quantum mechanical vacuum, all behavioral possibilities are created in virtual form.
The inherent dynamics of the ground state acts as a catalyst for the emergence and disappearance of all excited states. Everything that happens in nature and life can be traced back to this alternation of rest and activity known as self-dynamics or self-interaction. Education that relates to this dynamic knowledge has optimal organizational power.
The government's contribution
It is a rule of thumb among educators that public education lags between 50 and 100 years behind the latest research. Fortunately, in every society there are always thought leaders who strive to fill existing gaps and eliminate deficits. These social forces, which often operate outside the academic sphere and are involved in non-governmental organizations, need to be increasingly included. To ensure progress and peace in modern multicultural society, those responsible for government are required to look beyond ideological and confessional boundaries when making decisions.
This is easy when it comes to findings that meet all scientific standards and have already proven themselves in practical applications. Therefore, the petition to manage collective phenomena such as migration proposes an educational knowledge that directly relates to universal human rights. Thanks to the pioneering work of thought leaders, this knowledge - combining modern findings and proven traditional values - is available in a language that can be understood and eliminates or prevents the previous conflict between tradition and progress. This new development in pedagogy is called consciousness-based education.
The discovery that the modern epistemological foundation of the right to education corresponds to the educational concept of humanity's oldest culture is a historic opportunity. All organizations and social forces that have been committed to the synthesis of tradition and fashion for decades and have developed corresponding educational programs should be given the chance by the government to get involved.
Migration, a natural phenomenon
Migration, especially when it occurs across borders and uncontrolled, is rightly viewed as a threat as long as the laws and forces at work are not understood and taken into account by law. The approach to managing large uncontrolled migration presented in the petition assumes that cross-border migration is a natural phenomenon that arises under the pressure of emergency (shortage) and moves towards greater development opportunities.
Such migration processes between collective systems are subject to laws that apply across disciplines, i.e. H. in physics and chemistry as well as in biology and sociology. Because the laws of collective behavior operate throughout nature and life, they can be easily understood, verified, and used.
The migration processes that occur in collective systems are based on the equalization of a level difference, but such an equalization process must not go so far that it endangers the internal order and integrity of the entire society. It is therefore necessary that all individual exchange processes and intra-personal transitions, both among citizens and among migrants, take place in such a way that the overall change in quality of life that occurs does not disadvantage anyone. This is the case when the leveling and the countless individual exchange processes involved are controlled by laws that maintain the overall order of the collective. Any change is then subject to principles or laws consistent with universal human rights, so that disorder does not arise.
What is called human rights, when analyzed closely, is based on what modern physics calls the “theory of everything.” What physics calls the "Uniform Field of All Natural Laws" is, in legal terms, the "Constitution of the Universe":
All laws that regulate individual behavior everywhere in the universe can be traced back to three dynamic principles - also called symmetries:
(1) the external space-time symmetry or relativity and two internal behavior-determining principles: (2) the structure-forming symmetry of matter and (3) the symmetry of the interaction forces responsible for coherence and connectedness.
There are no more possibilities because their super symmetrical unification leads to a single field, the unified field of all natural laws, the essential characteristic of which is self-interaction. But self-interaction is the characteristic phenomenon of consciousness, which in turn is the essence of human beings.
Through consciousness, the human being and the entire environment form a unity. Through education that is directly related to consciousness, it can be ensured that the collective order is maintained even during major social changes, because then the internal cohesion in society is not disturbed but strengthened.
Educators who have developed and tested such educational approaches over the past 100 years can be found in certain educational foundations, spiritual-ecological groups, anthroposophical societies and yoga and meditation organizations. With a view to the cultural challenges of our time, such organizations have already developed curricula that enable orderly coexistence between people of different religions, world views and cultural traditions. The key concepts here are consciousness and intelligence.
Conclusion of the discussion on petition 15808 from November 12th to December 11th. 2023
The petition proposes that large immigration flows be controlled and regulated by ensuring that all migrants take part in a full-time educational program immediately after entering the country, which guarantees them a permanent right to remain. However, the discussion contributions to the petition showed that what is new in the proposal to eliminate smuggler migration is not immediately recognized, namely the combination of complete openness ("culture of welcome") with thorough individual preparation for life in Germany through a new educational program to secure the internal order. The following eight aspects of education-controlled migration were formulated in more detail through the discussion:
1. Role of the state
Strong and uncontrolled migration flows pose a risk both to the internal order of a country and to the migrants themselves, who can find themselves in life-threatening situations as a result. It is the state's job to secure the basic rights of every person - citizen and migrant. The petition specifically refers to the right to education. The special emergency situation of migrants requires quick and effective measures, including in education. To this end - according to the petition's suggestion - migrant education should be established as a third independent pillar of the education system by federal law, which complements the basic state education (schools, universities) and the further training offered by private providers (municipalities, businesses, crafts, industry). relieved. Migrant education centers, together with reception facilities, form the gateway for immigrants to Germany and Europe. The full-time educational offer, which is mandatory for all migrants, guarantees the migrants permanent residence.
2. Controlling migration
Strong migration flows are the result of an emergency that is forcing large numbers of people to leave their country. These include the collapse of the social order in the country of origin as well as wars and serious ecological changes. It is to be expected that such emergencies will occur again and again in the long term, particularly because of accelerating climate change. The educational program proposed by the petition is intended to prevent the problems associated with heavy migration from being imported into the country of immigration and destabilizing it. It comes into force by federal law as an instrument of orderly immigration in the event of strong migration flows. The control effect is based on the following factors, which make orderly migration attractive and smuggler-controlled migration uninteresting:
(a) The Migrant Education Program enables safe, humane immigration and permanent residence for everyone.
(b) Shortly before entry, the migrants take part in an educational program that provides them with the basic linguistic, cultural and livelihood skills necessary for permanent residence.
(c) Because the educational program takes place in Germany, the migrants can reduce the stress of the emergency situation.
(d) Participation in the migrant education program is mandatory until integration can be viewed as secured in accordance with the legally established criteria.
By participating in the migrant education program, the migrant has access to public schools and universities or to vocational training or practice, depending on their age and level of knowledge.
3. Difference to the existing integration offer
If migration flows reach such a level that the integration performance of the population, as well as municipal, religious and private institutions, is overwhelmed, the migrant education instrument presented in the petition is used to relieve or replace existing local integration programs. Migrant education is a full-time program regulated by federal law. Its principle is the alternation of learning and working, as is the case e.g. B. has proven itself in the dual system of vocational training. It is essential that the migrant education program precedes all public education offerings as well as further vocational training in order to relieve the burden on these institutions. The main goal of the migration education program is to organize immigration and integration so that every step is humane and legal.
4. Right to education
The basis of the migrant education program is Article 14 of the EU Charter of Human Rights:
"Everyone has the right to education and to access to vocational training and continuing education. This right includes the possibility of attending compulsory education free of charge. The freedom to establish educational institutions in compliance with democratic principles and the right of parents to educate and teach of their children according to their own rreligious, philosophical and educational beliefs shall be respected in accordance with the national laws governing their exercise."
What this article means for migrant education is that it (1) enables access to the country's education and training system and (2) guarantees migrants the continuation of their cultural tradition. The curriculum relates to the mental and spiritual potential inherent in every person and is therefore valid for all people, in particular it is cross-cultural.
5. Cultural integrity
The main goal of the migrant education program is to preserve cultural integrity. In the case of large immigration flows, this means promoting and maintaining the orderly interaction between the cultural traditions of the immigration country and the different cultural traditions of the immigrants. This interaction takes place in an orderly manner when the mental and emotional potential inherent in all people is further developed and its limitations are reduced by cultivating universal qualities and values.
6. Providers of migration education
Organizations and institutions that already have decades of experience with educational approaches that cultivate creativity and intelligence in equal measure and promote integrated personality development are selected as sponsors of migrant educational institutions. Certain educational foundations, spiritual-ecological communities and anthroposophical societies are pioneers in the development of such programs as well as yoga and meditation movements. Organizations of this type and with this experience are supposed to be the sponsors of migration educational institutions by law.
7. Intelligence education
Because migrants come from very different cultural regions, the reality of human consciousness and intelligence is at the heart of migrant education. Human intelligence, in the form of "artificial intelligence", forms the basis of modern global technical culture. Since artificial intelligence is a product of human intelligence, the focus of migrant education is on developing and cultivating people's intelligence potential. There are tried and tested and effective pedagogical methods for this today. A distinction is made between practical and theoretical intelligence. The migrant education program takes this into account right from the start, through an individually designed, balanced alternation between learning and working.
8. Financing migrant education
The principle of learning and working on which the migrant education program is based creates values from the outset. The value-creating character is further strengthened through the use of creativity and innovation-promoting teaching methods. If migration flows decrease, selected migration education centers can be converted into international universities that offer cross-cultural, innovative education to everyone who wants to improve the situation in their own country.
"Through the migrant education program, Germany and Europe will become a global place where every person in the world can realize their right to education" as pointed out in a discussion contribution to the petition.