Indology under Attack from India

When in 2018 German Universities celebrated 200 years of Indology the subject of study already had become controversial both in the academic world and among scholars from Indian. At the beginning of the 21st century it is largely accepted that Indology is plagued by arbitrary view points, interest guided bias, and is largely an instrument to achieve political and economic ends. Prodosh Aich points out in his book "Lies with long lags"(2003) that the intellectual limitations which prevent a proper appreciation of the Vedic culture already existed 500 years ago when European first landed in India. "Lies with long lags" illustrates the long term damaging effect which the "hard rocks if ignorance" had on the Vedic culture of India.

Lies with Long Legs (eBook)
  Discoveries, Scholars, Science, Enlightenment -
Documentary Narration
Prodosh Aich

Prodosh Aich´s book calls for a new approach in judging historical documents by scrutinizing the actual qualification of the respective actors or "narrators". A realistic understanding of history requires a science of consciousness - its nature, scope and steps of development. This is because, knowledge is structured in consciousness. Everything conceived and the resultant thoughts, actions and behavior are indicators of the underlying consciousness.

The 21st century science of consciousness is the outcome of a historical development whose structural relics are still persisting and have to be adjusted to fit to the new foundational reality, so that further advancement in global civilization is not hampered. When the reality of consciousness zooms forth, old structures are made obsolete while new principles emerge. This happens first in areas closely relate to consciousness: research methodology, education, government, law and order, health , economy, culture and defense. Eliminating the ignorance giving rise to "lies with long legs" means recognizing them as mistakes of the intellect, which naturally vanishes when consciousness expands and complete knowledge dawns:
  • Then teacher are not just lectures which spread doctrins or dogmas like salesmen or missionaries but are knowers of reality who teach through example,
  • then universities are not places where opinions are produced, but where knowers of reality meet to magnify their insight to eliminate and prevent collective imbalances, 
  • then books and other means of information storage are not considered sources of knowledge but are only means of verification what has been achieved.
The criteria that evolutionary transformations in research and teaching are actually taking place are stated in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, since Yoga is that system of the Vedic heritage to directly experience the whole range of life. Yoga pinpoint the behavioral and psycho-physiological qualities which signify harmony outside and inside the individual:

(upholding outer harmony)
(upholding inner harmony)
(1) Truthfulness
(1) Purification
(2) Non-violence
(2) Contentment
(3) Non-Covetousness
(3) Austerity
(4) Celibacy
   (upward directed energy)
(4) Study
(5) Non acceptance of
others possessions
(5) Devotion to God

These qualities provide the criteria for coherence to be permanently established in life:

Behavioral Criteria:
(1) Truthfulness, (2) Non-violence, (3) Non-Covetousness, (4) Celibacy,
(5) Non acceptance of others possessions

Psycho-physiological  Criteria:
(1) Purification, (2) Contentment, (3) Austerity, (4) Study, (5) Devotion to God

According to these criteria, the degree to which the actors of history have created harmony is to be evaluated. 

In addition, the Yoga Sutras provide the means to prevent or eliminate damages done through mistakes of the intellect. The Yoga Sutras offer both criteria and means of perfection.

A glance into the history of Europe in the last 500 years reveals the all what had happened was primarily geared towards the riches of India. The European oversea expansion which started around 1500 AC was promoted by three factors:
  1. The teaching of Jesus Christ (4 BC – 30 AC) which had unified Europe over a period of about 1000 years became distorted due to misinterpretation and misuse. This gave rise to destructive and centrifugal tendencies which destabilized Europe internally.
  2. The discovery of the maritime rout from Europe to India was impelled by (a) the expansion of Ottoman Turks into the Balkan region, which made the overland trade route between Central Europe and Asia (Silk Road) costly and (b) the expulsion of Islamic Moors from the Iberian Peninsula making the Atlantic Ocean accessible for trading.
  3. 1550 AC started a 150-year-long economic crises (inflation of prices) both in Europe and in the Ottoman Empire, which affected all levels of society in both regions. In Europe, it stimulated oversea global colonization, and internally led to the advancement of science and technology. In the Ottoman Empire, the internal focus was on overland trade, centralizing administration, and military protection of the continental territory. The Ottoman “Laissez faire” in sea trade further promoted the European colonization of South and East Asia.
Because trade, exploitation and colonization were the main driving forces during European expansion, the qualities of intelligence thereby invoked are much below the standards set by Yoga. Furthermore, the academic insights in the Vedic heritage during the following centuries were guided by Eurozentristic prejudice and therefor not able to rise the quality of life of the people. Objective science and technology till the mid 20th century lacked the key to unlock the Vedic heritage. This key was provided by the direct study of consciousness through Yoga.

Prodosh Aich in closing his book on "Lies with Long Legs" provides a striking example, which unveils the muddle “the application of modern critical methods of scholarship" to the Vedic heritage actually had created in the minds of the leaders of India aswell:

“In "The Discovery of India", Jawaharlal Nehru acknowledged this unshakable authority of knowledge to the colonizers who consolidated India for sustained colonial exploitation and had no scruples when writing in 1946 (p. 165):

"A new type of scholarship arose in India under European inspiration, and many Indians went to Europe (usually to Germany) to train themselves in the new methods of research and critical and comparative study. These Indians had an advantage over the Europeans, and yet there was a disadvantage also. The disadvantage was due to certain preconceived notions, inherited beliefs and traditions, which came in the way of dispassionate criticism. The advantage, and it was great, was the capacity to enter into the spirit of the writing, to picture the environment in which it grew and thus to be more in tune with it.”

These Indians, Jawaharlal Nehru was surely one of them, were in fact the better Europeans. Brainwashed and cloned. They functioned like robots. And they helped the few “William Jones” strongly to construct a sheer, insurmountable wall of hypocrisy and falsehood. In the form of miles-long printed products on the shelves in the libraries. Worldwide. A wall between the handed down scientific knowledge of past millenniums and the “modern science” based on ‘the new methods of research and critical and comparative study’ of about the last three centuries. All that is new counts. An objective criticism of the new is in fact superfluous and not desired either....... We must learn to ask this and similar questions. We must learn to know reality and not just virtual realities, including those have so far been handed down to us." 
  (more detail in the reading sample)

Through the global availability of  Yoga and meditation, the trend of time took a turn. By utilizing procedures described in the Yoga sutras hidden brain reserves are cultivated. In particular the yogic Siddhi techniques which optimize mind-body coordination, were shown to be effective in eliminating long-standing problems which humanity had faced in the past. This could not be achieved by  pretending, lies or hop, but only through the scientific methodology which the Vedic heritage provides. The extensive scientific research on Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program illustrates this:
Volumes 1 to 8 Collected Papers: A series of reference volumes with reprints of original research studies. These eight volumes collect the major scientific research studies on the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, from the first published study in 1970 to 2015.